On 11/14/06, Leichter, Jerry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | > >> If there is some construct that NEEDS to be interpreted to gain
> | > >> something, it can be justified on that basis. Using interpretive
> | > >> runtimes just to link languages, or just to achieve portability
> | > >> when source code portability runs pretty well thanks, seems
> | > >> wasteful to me.
> | > >
> | > > You think source code portability is good enough such that runtime
> | > > portability isn't really needed?
> | >
> | > Anything beyond source code portability tempts the customer into use
> | > on a platform where the developer has not tested.
> |
> | But it has been tested, because if it runs on that jvm it has been
> | tested for that JVM. a JVM version x on linux is the same as a JVM
> | version x on windows. That's the point. Now maybe they try running it
> | with a version x - 5 JVM, well fine, it may not work, but the response
> | would be: "duh".
> That would be nice, wouldn't it?
> Unfortunately, painful experience says it's not so.  At least not for
> applications with non-trivial graphics components, in particular.
> The joke we used to make was:  The promise of Java was "Write once,
> run everywhere".  What we found was "Write once, debug everywhere".
> Then came the Swing patches, which would cause old bugs to re-appear,
> or suddenly make old workaround cause problems.  So the real message
> of Java is "Write once, debug everywhere - forever".
> Now, I'm exagerating for effect.  There are Java programs even quite
> substantial Java programs, that run on multiple platforms with no
> problems and no special porting efforts.  (Hell, there are C programs
> with the same property!)  But there are also Java programs that
> cause no end of porting grief.  It's certainly much more common to
> see porting problems with C than with Java, but don't kid yourself:
> Writing in Java doesn't guarantee you that there will be no platform
> issues.

True, but that doesn't mean runtime portability isn't a good thing to aim for.

-- mic
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