It's almost of the most important events in OWASP history,
the 2008 Summit!  

OWASP Summit EU 2008 is a worldwide gathering of OWASP leaders and key
industry players to present and discuss the latest OWASP tools and
documentation projects.

The summit will host multiple Working Sessions designed to improve
collaboration, achieve specific objectives and decide roadmaps for OWASP
projects, chapters and for the OWASP community itself.

Containing both technical and business tracks, the Summit is the perfect
place to learn what resources OWASP has available for use today.

Following and expanding the tradition started at OWASP conferences, the
Summit will also host the largest offering of training courses, covering
multiple OWASP specific and Web Application Security Topics

OWASP Summit Working Sessions  

Portugal, 4rd - 5th Nov 2008

OWASP is bringing together its Leaders with the world's best application
security experts to meet at the OWASP Summit in order to work on
targeted Working Sessions.

Everyone who attends is invited to join, share opinions, and make the

All outcomes produced during the working session will be presented
during the Summit's conference and discussed at a special OWASP Board
meeting where the board will vote on the proposed Initiatives,
Statements or Decisions.

OWASP Training Classes

Portugal, 3rd-5th Nov 2008
OWASP is providing an unprecedented 19 classes to choose from.  Each
instructor is a subject matter expert and industry leader. 

OWASP Summit Conference 

Portugal, 6th - 7th Nov 2008 (Thu & Fri)

OWASP Summit Conference is a two-day immersion into OWASP projects and
initiatives. The world's finest security professionals will present
their latest application security research. In addition, project leaders
and reviewers will be presenting OWASP Summer of Code 08 results and new
challenges brought up during 2-day Working Sessions.

There are 4 technical tracks and one special Business Track (aimed at
managers and decision-makers).

The objective is to present the attendees with a global view of the
enormous resources available today at OWASP.

Business Track: Business-focused sessions covering application security,
strategic OWASP projects and how to get involved.

Technical Track 1: Secure Design & Defensive Strategies: tools and
modules to use and improve application security

Technical Track 2: OWASP Internals: projects and initiatives that make
application security more visible

Technical Track 3: Cutting Edge Tools: new and innovative tools designed
to test , detect and prevent web application security issues

Technical Track 4: Security Guidance and Knowledge: documentation, books
and references to keep people informed about application security The
Conference finishes with an open OWASP Board Meeting, where the audience
is invited to participate and contribute on topics presented during the
previous days..

Don't miss this opportunity to participate in our industry's most
energetic and productive weeklong event.  All information on travel,
class schedule, accommodations, working groups, and conference tracks
can  be found at
I look forward to seeing everyone in Portugal!

Please contact Kate Hartmann if you have any questions regarding
registration.  [EMAIL PROTECTED],M3,35818773-e14b-4d8e-8db8-5e14a6285a3d

Kate Hartmann
OWASP Operations Director
9175 Guilford Road
Suite 300
Columbia, MD  21046

301-575-0189 (office)
301-275-9403 (mobile)

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