The document properties suggests June 2009, and it's a shame that there
isn't much details as we are looking to evaluate 3 of the code analysis
tools for our development here.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Jeremy Epstein
> Sent: 29 September 2009 14:49
> To: sc-l
> Subject: [SC-L] NSA comparison of source code analysis tools
> (Apologies if I already sent this to the group; I don't think I did.)
> There's an interesting presentation at
> about a study
> done by the US NSA (National Security Agency) of C and Java source
> code analysis tools.  They developed a synthetic test suite, and then
> ran six tools against the Java version and five tools against the C
> version (the specific tools and versions used are identified in the
> presentation).  None of the tools found all of the problems, and 40%
> of the problems weren't found by any of the tools.  Even where the
> problems were found, there was a surprising level of inconsistency
> among the tools.
> Unfortunately, there's not much detail in the presentation.  There's a
> report that's been written, but so far not approved for release (or so
> I'm told).  I don't know whether the issue is classification (they
> don't want the bad guys to know what sort of things can sneak past
> their detectors), or proprietary information, or just bureaucracy.
> It would be interesting to hear comments from vendors on the list as
> to the limitations on such a test (certainly using synthetic programs
> isn't realistic), as well as whether they've adapted the tools to find
> more of these types of problems.
> --Jeremy
> P.S. The report is undated, but I believe it's fairly recent.
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