Benjamin Tomhave wrote:
> I guess we can all retire now, eh? I find it so exciting that the app is
> "written in pure C"... and coming from Google, I'm sure it won't leak
> info back to the mothership at all...
> "Meet skipfish, our automated web security scanner"

Yeah, this comment in the project Wiki makes me feel better already:

        All right, I want to try it out. What do I need to know?

        First and foremost, please do not be evil. Use skipfish only against
        services you own, or have a permission to test.

On a good note though, Michal Zalewski is a well-respected developer, so I
might be willing to give it a chance... against someone else's app. (jk)

Kevin W. Wall
"The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree,
is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals.
We cause accidents."        -- Nathaniel Borenstein, co-creator of MIME
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