On Fri, 22 Oct 2010, Jim Manico wrote:

I think the deprecation of these technologies for an enterprise is a wise idea. :) How can a large enterprise use PHP or ASP for security-critical applications with a straight face? Let's move forward to Ruby on Rails, Enterprise Java, .NET and other modern frameworks that are more mature from a security centric POV.

Just a minor, slightly-tangential-yet-not point, the Ruby / Ruby on Rails products have approximately 10 CVE vulns since the beginning of 2009. Not a lot but still something for consideration in application deployment. And you know I support ESAPI but it's had its own issues, too (and I highly doubt I could do a better job security-wise). Software is software and therefore will have vulns, whether its purpose is for a protection mechanism or for core functionality. We will never get away from interpreters or frameworks from having their own vulns, although if they make things easier security-wise, that's probably a much bigger payoff.

I'm making a generic point here.

- Steve
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