Hi gem,

I've read your article to see what direction you were willing to take, before 
jumping into the conversation. Your post was exactly what I thought you were 
heading to.

I disagree with your thought for many reasons.

But first I would like to use proper terms so that we don't misuse some 

You said: """Software security should be a balanced approach of offense and 
defense (white hat and black hat, if you will)"""

Whitehat: reports what he/she has found. Network vulenerabilities, software 
security flaws, flawed crypto, design flaws, or whatever it is that the 
individual found it was broken or wrong.

Blackhat: doesn't report what he/she found, because she/he want to keep it that 

Of course there are a lot of grays out there too.

Defense is…well... defense.

To design and build proper software and hardware there are a lot of conferences 
out there, as well as trainings and a huge amount of literature. There are very 
good books when it comes to secure software development.

Every year what is presented, in the best security conferences, are new 
techniques that developers need to be aware of in order to build secure 
products. Most of the presentations talk about things that were wrongly 
designed and/or corner-cases which were not considered.

There are also a lot of tools and libraries which help development teams to do 
things right, specially libraries and templates like Microsoft Safeint as well 
as the safe APIs, which prevent developers from shooting themselves.
They just need to use them. There are also managed languages, APIs to handle 
SQL securely, etc. It is just that a lot of developers don't use what is 
available to them.

Blackhat is great as it is now, there are talks about new defense technologies 
from time to time too. Having more talks about defense would be use, in my 
opinion, to sale products than anything else. I don't believe it would do any 
good to Blackhat.

"""I am not opposed to breaking stuff (see "Exploiting Software" from 2004), 
but I am worried about an overemphasis on breaking stuff."""

Blackhat IS about breaking stuff, the vendors area offers defense products and 
services to improve your security. For building stuff (as in development) there 
are other conferences out there. People go to Blackhat to be aware of what 
things might go wrong in order to protect better themselves. And even then many 
good talks overlap unfortunately.


On Aug 31, 2011, at 4:16 PM, Gary McGraw wrote:

> hi sc-l,
> I went to Blackhat for the first time ever this year (even though I am 
> basically allergic to Las Vegas), and it got me started thinking about 
> building things properly versus breaking things in our field.  Blackhat was 
> mostly about breaking stuff of course.  I am not opposed to breaking stuff 
> (see "Exploiting Software" from 2004), but I am worried about an overemphasis 
> on breaking stuff.
> After a quick and dirty blog entry on the subject 
> <http://www.cigital.com/justiceleague/2011/08/09/building-versus-breaking-a-white-hat-goes-to-blackhat/>,
>  I sat down and wrote a better article about it:
> Software [In]security: Balancing All the Breaking with some Building
> http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1750195
> I've also had a chat with Adam Shostack (a member of the newly formed 
> Blackhat Advisors) about the possibility of adding some building content to 
> Blackhat.  Go Adam!
> Do you agree that Blackhat could do with some building content??
> gem
> company www.cigital.com
> podcast www.cigital.com/silverbullet
> blog www.cigital.com/justoceleague
> book www.swsec.com
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