Hi Sammy, Antti,

On 20 Dec 2013, at 17:29, Sammy Migues <smig...@cigital.com> wrote:

> Also, in nearly all cases, it would be very hard to characterize an entire 
> firm or even an entire business unit in larger firms as "Agile" or not. Many 
> larger firms use "Agile" for only a small percentage of projects 

Leaving the definition of agile aside for the moment, doesn’t the fact that the 
BSIMM measures organisation wide activities but not individual dev teams mean 
that we could be drawing inaccurate conclusions from the data?  E.g.  if an 
organisation says it is doing Arch reviews, code reviews and sec testing, it 
doesn’t necessarily mean that every team is doing all of those activities, so 
it may give the BSIMM reader a false impression of the use of those activities 
in the real world.

In addition to knowing which activities are practiced organisation wide, it 
would also be valuable to know which activities work well on a per-team or 
per-project basis.

On 17 Dec 2013, at 22:01, Antti Vähä-Sipilä <a...@iki.fi> wrote:
> Moreover, I think this sort of split would be largely arbitrary. Especially 
> for large companies, it's often not straightforward to classify them as agile 
> or non-agile. Many companies also have mixed-mode dev shops with waterfall 
> product management bolted on top of an agile dev team, or an agile dev team 
> throwing code over the wall to a traditional ops team, or a mix of agile and 
> non-agile teams working side by side. 

Agree that the split between agile and not-agile would be arbitrary at the 
organisation wide level.  But deciding on an arbitrary line, or better yet an 
arbitrary scale of agility on a per-project level shouldn’t be too difficult.  
If we need to start somewhere, then I think borrowing from devops couldn’t 
hurt, where they measure agility by:
- frequency of code deployments
- lead time from code deploy to running in production

> In addition, I don't think you can measure agility through purely measuring 
> cadence. The point of being agile is to be able to respond to change, and not 
> all companies _need_ to be reinventing their product daily like a budding 
> startup with an existential crisis. Although continuous integration would 
> probably help the majority of companies, on the product management (i.e., 
> backlog management) side, it depends on your customers and industry whether 
> more is indeed better.

With the BSIMM’s objective of just describing activities it wouldn’t be 
necessary to promote agile or agile security practices.  But it would be 
interesting to know that if an organisation happens to have chosen agile or 
continuous delivery as their software dev methodology, then how are they 
integrating security into that process?  The burning questions I have regarding 
agile and continuous delivery and security are:
- What mixture of the BSIMM activities work well in a continuous delivery style 
- As you move from less-agile to more-agile, which activities tend to fall away 
and which are more emphasised?
- How are the security specialist and time heavy activities like attack models, 
sec arch review and pentesting performed when new code is pushed to production 
The BSIMM seems to be the only place where this type of data exists or could be 
captured- so would be nice to be able to extract this data from it; or include 
these types of questions in future versions.  The devops survey(*) is another 
potential, but as yet they don’t capture security specific activities.



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