Mobile Security Technologies (MoST) 2014 

Saturday May 17, 2014

co-located with 
The 34th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P 2014) 
an event of
The IEEE Computer Society's Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW 2014)  

Mobile Security Technologies (MoST) brings together researchers, 
practitioners, policy makers, and hardware and software developers of 
mobile systems to explore the latest understanding and advances in the 
security and privacy for mobile devices, applications, and systems. 
We are seeking both short position papers (2-4 pages) and longer papers (a 
maximum of 10 pages). The scope of MoST 2014 includes, but is not limited 
to, security and privacy specifically for mobile devices and services 
related to: 
Device hardware 
Operating systems 
Mobile web 
Secure and efficient communication 
Secure application development tools and practices 
Vulnerabilities and remediation techniques 
Usable security 
Identity and access control 
Risks in putting trust in the device vs. in the network/cloud 
Special applications, such as medical monitoring and records 
Mobile advertisement 
Secure applications and application markets 
Economic impact of security and privacy technologies

Paper Submission Instructions 

All accepted papers will be published online in the workshop proceedings. 

Organizing Committee 
Hao Chen, University of California, Davis 
Larry Koved, IBM Research
Program Chair 
Kapil Singh, IBM Research
Program Committee 
Kevin Butler (University of Oregon) 
Hao Chen (University of California, Davis) 
William Enck (North Carolina State University) 
Adrienne Porter Felt (Google) 
Rajarshi Gupta (Qualcomm Research Silicon Valley) 
Markus Jakobsson (Qualcomm Research Silicon Valley) 
Jaeyeon Jung (Microsoft Research) 
Larry Koved (IBM Research) 
Zhichun Li (NEC Research Labs) 
Long Lu (Stony Brook University) 
Adrian Ludwig (Google) 
David Wagner (University of California, Berkeley)
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