Thanks, Fulvio, for the great version!

I noticed some minor problems on my machine (Windows XP):

When I play a tactical game (Play -> Tactical Game) and I have to leave 
the game running, the clock is counting. When the clock reaches 59:59 it 
adds the hour count but the minute count becomes a three digit number.

An example would be 3:198:45.

You can see a screenshot at

I copied an old file from Scid 4.1.0 into Scid's bases folder to test 
myself with "mate-in-1" (Play -> Training -> Tactics: Choose "matein1").
It does work in a way.

The only trouble seems to be, that the program doesn't correctly show, who 
should make the move (White or Black).
It always seems as if White should make the move, even if it's Black's 
You can see two corresponding screenshots at

Notation window:

When I start Scid 4.6.1 with an open notation window and I try to close 
this notation window with CTRL+P I get the error message:

window name "fdockpgnWin" already exists in parent
window name "fdockpgnWin" already exists in parent
     while executing
"frame $f  -container 1"
     (procedure "::createToplevel" line 25)
     invoked from within
"::createToplevel $w"
     (procedure "::pgn::OpenClose" line 12)
     invoked from within
     (command bound to event)

Game list window:

When I try to open the game list with CTRL+L, it works. When I try to 
close the game list with the same command, I open another game list an 
then one more and so on.

When I do this via the menu (Windows -> Game List) it has the same 

By the way the menu item "Game List" is not ticked, no matter how many 
game lists are open.

All the best


On Thu, 28 May 2015, Fulvio wrote:

> I uploaded a new 4.6.1 version:
> The Windows package is ~127MB because it's "battery included":
> - stockfish:   one of the strongest UCI chess engines (for game analysis)
> - phalanx:   xboard chess engine with some interesting ideas for
>           playing like a human (suiteable for playing)
> - players photo:   a collection of players photo (the player name must be
>           unambiguous: "Carlsen" will not work)
> - spelling.ssp:   a file for normalizing names of players, events and sites
>           (for example from "Carlsen, M" to "Carlsen, Magnus")
> - tactical bases:   resolve tactical positions playing against the computer
>           (menu Play->Training->Tactics)
> All the above things are useful but optional (players photo require ~133MB).
> Linux and Mac users can manually download and install the extras from here:
> How to compile:
> I also suggest to use 8.6 tcl/tk version,
> uninstall older Scid version (sudo make uninstall)
> and remove older Scid config files (rm -r ~/.scid)
> Please give it a try and report any issue.
> Bye,
> Fulvio
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