On High Sierra, using latest build, am getting error:

"TkImg not found. Most piece sets are disabled."

I have checked the app package contents and the IMG 1.4 folder in
frameworks is extant.
I have checked my system and tcl and tkimg are installed.

I would like to use nicer picture sets :-(

Any clues?

Rest of startup screen...note bold lines
successfully misspelled...:-)

Loaded options from "/Users/----/.scidvspc/config/options.dat".
*Using Tcl/Tk version: 8.5.9 (with Gregor's tk::text - Yes)*
Darwin operating system, version 18.0.0

scidShareDir is /Applications/ScidvsMac.app/Contents/Resources
scidBasesDir is /Applications/ScidvsMac.app/Contents/Resources/bases
scidBooksDir is /Applications/ScidvsMac.app/Contents/Resources/books
True type fonts (PGN figurines) enabled.
User Pieces: reading /Users/----/.scidvspc/pieces
*Loading file pauls_pieces failed*
*Loading file goldenbergg_high_dpi_pieces_v2 failed*
User Textures: no such directory /Users/---/.scidvspc/textures
Initializing Sound...
   Snack sound package found: Move speech enabled.
   Available output devices are: default
   Succesfully set Snack output device to default
   Found 0 of 31 sound files in
Docking mode enabled.
Searching for player photos.
Unable to load Correspondence options file correspondence.dat
http package 2.7.5 found
tDOM package not found, disabling internal Xfcc support
Checking for endgame tablebase files.
    No tablebases were found.
ECO file "/Applications/ScidvsMac.app/Contents/Resources/data/scid.eco"
loaded: 10360 positions.
Spellcheck file
"/Applications/ScidvsMac.app/Contents/Resources/spelling.ssp" loaded:
    221429 players, 11 events, 804 sites, 20 rounds.
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