On Monday, May 13, 2019, 3:25:12 AM CDT, Steve A <stevena...@gmail.com> 
 It's an interesting feature alright :)

But omg Pascal's UI is a mess. A heap of progressbars coming and going, 
configuration widgets left permanently on-screen. No help item of course.(?) 
Also, I do not care to make wholesale use of the themed ttk:: widgets
Yes I agree, the UI is very awkward. I think a proper implementation would 
require redesigning it; I've read that Chess Tempo has a newish guess the move 
mode, perhaps they have some better ideas? If you have some thoughts on the UI 
as well, perhaps something you like in the current Scid vs PC, I'm all ears. 
I'll look into it and see what might work well. 
thanks, George
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