From: Cayata Dixon

Top schools official out; more likely 

Operations guru steps down to let leadership change

By Michael Martinez and Ray Quintanilla
Tribune education reporters

July 31, 2001

A month after Mayor Richard Daley installed new leaders at the Chicago Public Schools, 
a top administrator resigned Monday, beginning what is expected to be a housecleaning 
of the central office staff.

Blondean Y. Davis, a 31-year veteran of the system who oversaw day-to-day operations 
of the city's 596 schools, announced her resignation, saying she is stepping aside so 
that the new school chief can recruit his own team.

The new chief, Arne Duncan, said he is looking within and outside the school system 
for administrators to be part of his management team, which he said he will announce 
in coming weeks.

Since June, when Daley picked Duncan to run the schools and Michael Scott as new board 
president, the two new leaders have faced questions on how they plan to satisfy 
Daley's demands for innovation and who will be on the new team.

Davis was the No. 2 education officer. The system's chief education officer--who 
reports directly to Duncan--is Cozette Buckney, whose future has been in doubt since 
April when rumors of her being fired provoked a protest from supporters during a board 

Duncan declined to comment on Buckney's future.

Davis, who will turn 52 Sunday, held the title of chief of schools and regions, with 
an annual salary of $130,000.

She was often at odds with former schools chief Paul Vallas, who resigned in June. The 
two clashed behind the scenes over command of the system and who deserved credit for 
the reforms.

Still, because Davis was known for her knowledge of schools and leaders in the 
African-American community, she maintained a high post.

In fact, in the past year the mayor asked for Davis to be present during his briefings 
with Vallas, insiders said.

Davis, whose resignation is effective Wednesday, said the change will present her with 
new opportunities.

"This is a time of transition in the system," Davis said. "Arne Duncan, as the CEO, 
has the right to structure his team in the way he sees is best for the system. As an 
administrator, I respect that.

"This is an ideal time for me to pursue my dream, which is to be a superintendent," 
Davis said.

Davis began working for the system in 1970 as a teacher in Chicago Vocational High 
School on the South Side. She then served a counselor, attendance and discipline 
coordinator, a principal and then system administrator.

In seeking to replace Davis and appoint others to his new team, Duncan said he is 
looking to the corporate, non-profit and university sectors for advice and talent, in 
addition to within the school system.

"We're talking to a lot of people and we're getting a lot of ideas. We're looking to 
build the smartest and hardest working team," Duncan said.

Duncan said Davis is resigning "to pursue other opportunities. We have great respect 
for her work, and we are going to keep her on as a consultant for a nine-month 
period," he said.

Meanwhile, Duncan and Scott are scheduled Tuesday to hold their first major meeting 
with new Chicago Teachers Union president Deborah Lynch-Walsh.

Tops on her agenda is the board's most dramatic sanction yet, imposing "intervention" 
on five of the worst high schools in the past school year, she said.

Intervention allows the board to summarily fire teachers it deems inept at the end of 
the school year. But the board has delayed a decision on how many teachers, if any, 
would be terminated.

Lynch-Walsh said intervention was a failure, adding that test scores at the five 
schools largely dropped.

At the five high schools, 65 of the more than 300 teachers were pressured to leave on 
their own and 29 other teachers have been referred to the board as possible candidates 
for termination, an official said.

Intervention stands to become the first major conflict between the union's new 
president and the mayor's school team.

Last week, the board withdrew a proposal to make unspecified changes to the 
intervention policy.

Copyright (c) 2001, Chicago Tribune

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