This might be of interest to some readers.


------ Forwarded Message
From: "Joshua Koen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 09:11:11 -0400
Subject: PROJECT ANNOUNCEMENT: The Global Sun/Temperature Project

CIESE - The Center for Improved Engineering & Science Education

                A message from the CIESE ListServ

                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!!! The next run of The Sun Times, the Global Sun
Temperature project is about to begin again.  During the run last year, we
had over 200 schools from 17 different countries in 5 continents register
for the project!!!  We hope to beat this number during this run.  Please
pass this announcement to anyone you think might be interested in

Project Title: The Sun Times, The Global Sun/Temperature Project

Project Web Site:

Dates:  September 10 - November 20, 2001 (Only a few class periods are

Purpose: To collaborate with schools throughout the world in determining how
the average daily temperature and hours of sunlight in a specific location
are affected by how close that location is to the equator.

Subjects: General Science, Mathematics, Language Arts, Geography

Grade Level: Ages 9-12 (Although any age may participate)

Summary: Join schools from around the world in this collaborative project as
students measure the local temperature and record the number of minutes of
sunlight per day over a specific week. This information, along with latitude
and longitude descriptors of the school location, is submitted to the web
site.  This data is then compiled into a database that the students will use
to compare and contrast their results with other classes from all over the
world. The students will then be able to answer the question, "How does
proximity to the equator affect average daily temperature and hours of

Number of Participants: Unlimited

Registration Information: There is NO FEE required to join this project.
All that we ask is that you review the project requirements posted on the
web site and join if you can meet those requirements.

Project Leader: Joshua Koen

Hope to see you registered for the project.


Joshua Koen
Internet Training Specialist
Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIESE)
      Especialista en el Adiestramiento del Internet
      Centro para Mejorar la Enseñanza de la Ciencia y de la Ingeniería
Stevens Institute of Technology
Castle Point on Hudson
Hoboken, NJ 07030
Phone: 201-216-5045  Fax: 201-216-8069

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