Building a Presence        
     Awards and Competitions Special - Building a Presence for Science: NSTA/ 
National Partner E-Blast 

            Each month, NSTA disseminates articles, websites, and/or special 
announcements provided by our Building a Presence National Partners. These 
science education highlights are directed to all Key Leaders and Points of 
Contact or targeted specifically to teachers of the grade and subject levels 
appropriate to the message. If you are receiving material outside your 
interest area, please check your data profile at


              a.. The 2001 Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision Awards 
              b.. The Craftsman/NSTA Young Inventors Awards Program 
              c.. Toyota Expands Grant Program 
              d.. Internet Science and Technology Fair 


            The 2001 Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision Awards
            The first-place national winners of the 2001 Toshiba/NSTA 
ExploraVision Awards competition predict that 20 years from now we'll live in 
a world where vision is enhanced with photoelectric eye prostheses and 
contacts that react to electronic orders from the brain; scuba divers will 
stay under water for prolonged periods; and library fines will be a thing of 
the past. See these and other winning projects at the ExploraVision website. 

            The Craftsman/NSTA Young Inventors Awards Program
            The Crafstman/NSTA Young Inventors Awards Program challenges 
students to use creativity and imagination along with science, technology, 
and mechanical ability to invent or modify a tool. The tool must perform a 
practical function, including (but not limited to) tools that mend, make life 
easier or safer in some way, entertain, or solve an everyday problem. The 
program is open to all students in grades 2-8 in the U.S. and the U.S. 
Territories. Nearly $80,000 in savings bonds and gifts will be awarded in 

            Toyota Expands Grant Program
            Toyota and NSTA are pleased to announce that the Toyota TAPESTRY 
Grant Program has expanded this year and will award up to a total of $550,000 
in grants! The program will still include the main grant program, with up to 
50 grants of up to $10,000 each being awarded. In addition, Toyota will award 
a minimum of 20 "mini-grants" of $2,500 each. Toyota TAPESTRY will also be 
adding a Science and Literacy category this year in addition to the 
Environmental Science and Physical Science categories. Applicants can apply 
for any of the three categories in either the main grant or mini-grant 

            Details will be posted soon. To be added to the mailing list and 
receive the new application with details on both grant programs, please send 
an email with your name, school name and address and your daytime phone 
number to [EMAIL PROTECTED] The deadline for both programs is January 17, 
2002. Project Directors of the $10,000 grants will receive an all-expenses 
paid trip to the NSTA National Convention in San Diego. Project Directors of 
the new mini-grants will receive a one-year membership to NSTA or a one-year 

            Internet Science and Technology Fair
            The Internet Science and Technology Fair (ISTF) is a new kind of 
science fair that challenges K-12 participants to explore real-world 
technology issues through teamwork and Internet use. ISTF project teams 
consist of several students, their teacher, their school's information 
systems coordinator, and a technical advisor. Divided into three classes 
(elementary school, middle school, high school), teams are provided with a 
series of guidelines that will send them exploring a specific technology 
problem. As a capstone to the competition, each team generates a website 
illustrating their conclusion. The final enrollment date for this year's 
competition is October 26, 2001. 
      To learn more about Building a Presence for Science,
      please visit our website: 

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