Learn to combine Microsoft Word with the resources of the Museum of Science and Industry to create stimulating and simple lessons. The Museuem of Science And Industry is proud to announce its first session in the Teaching With Technology set of Workshops, featuring Microsoft Word. The program has three distinct parts. First, an expert will get teachers familiar with some of the more advanced features of the software. Then they will be 'turned loose' inside the museum to explore and come up with ideas for a new activity based on some museum exhibit or lab. Finally teachers will develop a lesson based on the integration of technology with some Museum resources. Teachers will receive 3 CEU's upon completing the class. The class will show teachers some of the advanced features of Microsoft Word such as Hyperlinks Tables Images Templated Letters, Memos, and Faxes Mike Davis, of Science Theatre Productions, has created a series of interactive exercises and activities to accompany the program. There is a fee of $125.00 for the class. More classes will be offered in the following weeks on the subjects of Excel, PowerPoint, and Web Development using FrontPage. To sign up email or contact Pam Barry [EMAIL PROTECTED] (773)-684-9844 xt 2193 -- This is the CPS Science Teacher List. To unsubscribe, send a message to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> For more information: <http://home.sprintmail.com/~mikelach/subscribe.html>. To search the archives: <http://www.mail-archive.com/science%40lists.csi.cps.k12.il.us/>