FWIW, here's the latest from science and math ed on Capitol Hill.


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From: AIP listserver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 15:46:12 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: FYI #129 - Science Education Report Language

The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Science Policy News
Number 129: October 17, 2001

House and Senate Appropriations Report Language on Science

As reported in FYI #128, progress has been made on the Labor-HHS-
Education appropriations bills in both the House and the Senate.
The full House has passed its version of the bill, H.R. 3061,
while the companion bill in the Senate, S. 1536, has passed the
Appropriations Committee and awaits action by the full Senate.

Each bill is accompanied by a committee report which provides
some explanation of the funding recommendations.  Below are
selected portions of the House and Senate Appropriations
Committees' reports relating to science and math education.  In
past years, as explained in FYI #128, the Eisenhower program
supported teacher professional development in science and math;
for FY 2002, the Eisenhower program has been rolled into a
Teacher Quality initiative, and a new Math and Science
Partnerships program would fund a wider array of activities to
improve science and math education.


The report states, "Consistent with the fiscal year 2002 budget
request and passage in the House of Representatives of H.R. 1,
the bill places high priority on enhancing Federal support for
education."  Noting that conferees are working to complete the
ESEA bill (H.R. 1), the report continues, "The Committee has
provided funding for programs included in the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act reauthorization under the structure
outlined in H.R. 1 as passed by the House."

State Grants for Improving Teacher Quality: "The bill includes
$3,175,000,000 for state grants for improving teacher quality,
which is $575,000,000 above the budget request.  This new program
consolidates the Eisenhower professional development program and
the class size reduction program."

Math and Science Partnerships: Of the $3.175 billion recommended
for Teacher Quality, "States must also award between 15 and 20
percent of funds on a competitive basis to eligible partnerships
for math and science programs."


The report states, "The Committee understands that programs
authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
of 1965, as amended, currently are under consideration for
reauthorization. Therefore, the Committee has allocated funds for
these programs in accordance with H.R. 1, the ESEA
reauthorization bill, as passed by the Senate on June 14, 2001."

State Grants for Improving Teacher Quality:  "The Committee
recommends an appropriation of $3,039,834,000 for State grants
for improving teacher quality, a new program.  This amount is
$439,834,000 more than the budget request and $931,834,000 more
than comparable programs in the fiscal year 2001 appropriation.
This program replaces the Eisenhower professional development
State grants program, Eisenhower professional development Federal
activities, Eisenhower regional math and science education
consortia, and the class size reduction program."

Mathematics and Science Partnerships: The committee report says,
"In January 2001, the U.S. Commission on National Security/21st
Century issued a report titled, 'Road Map for National Security:
Imperative for Change.'  This Commission, co-chaired by former
Senators Warren Rudman and Gary Hart, concluded that 'America
faces distinctly new dangers, particularly to the homeland and to
our scientific and educational base.'  One of the many
recommendations outlined in the report was the need to produce
more science and engineering professionals as well as qualified
teachers in science and math.

"In responding to this need, the Committee recommends $25,000,000
for mathematics and science partnerships, a new program
authorized by the Senate-passed version of the ESEA
reauthorization bill.  The administration requested no funds for
this purpose. [The Administration instead requested $200 million
for a similar math/science partnership program in NSF, which has
been funded at this level or close by both the House and Senate
VA/HUD appropriations bills.] These funds will be used to improve
the performance of students in the areas of math and science by
bringing math and science teachers in elementary and secondary
schools together with scientists, mathematicians, and engineers
to increase the teachers' subject-matter knowledge and improve
their teaching skills.  The Secretary is authorized to award
grants, on a competitive basis, to eligible partnerships to
enable the entities to pay the Federal share of the costs of
developing or redesigning more rigorous mathematics and science
curricula that are aligned with State and local standards;
creating opportunities for enhanced professional development that
improves the subject-matter knowledge of math and science
teachers; recruiting math and science majors; and improving and
expanding training of math and science teachers, including the
effective integration of technology into curricula and

Eisenhower National Clearinghouse: "In addition, $5,000,000 is
included for the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for
Mathematics and Science Education."  (House appropriators
apparently did not provide funding for the Eisenhower National

Audrey T. Leath
Media and Government Relations Division
The American Institute of Physics
(301) 209-3094

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