Title: Reminder: 11/1 IMSE Colloquium by Stacy Wenzel and Mar

The following colloquium is sponsored by UIC's Institute for Mathematics and Science Education (IMSE).

Improving Chicago Schools: Promoting High-Quality Instruction
Stacy Wenzel
Consortium on Chicago School Research, University of Chicago

Mark Smylie
University of Illinois at Chicago, and
Consortium on Chicago School Research, University of Chicago
o Thursday, November 1, 2001
o     3:30-5:00 p.m.
o Room 2087 Science and Engineering Laboratories (SEL)
The Consortium on Chicago School Research has worked for five years with the support of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge to learn more about the conditions of education in Chicago public schools and the kinds of efforts needed to advance meaningful improvements. This presentation offers an overview of what we have learned about what constitutes high quality instruction, and how to support effective instructional practices and policies. Findings on mathematics instruction will be highlighted.
Call (312) 996-2448 for travel instructions or more information about the colloquium.

Contact Marty Gartzman via email ([EMAIL PROTECTED] ) if you would like to be added to IMSE's electronic mailing list.
Remaining Fall Semester Colloquium
November 15    Norman Lederman

Spring Semester Colloquia - mark your calendar
January 17     Michelle Perry
February 7     TBA
February 21    Susan Goldman & Jim Pellegrino
March 7        Cynthia Hynd
March 21       Rodger Bybee
April 11       TBA
May 2          Karen Fuson

Colloquia are scheduled from 3:30-5:00 in Room 2087 SEL on the dates indicated above.

See http://www.math.uic.edu/IMSE for titles and abstracts for fall semester colloquia.  (Click on link to IMSE Colloquia.)

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