
Scientific Linux 6.6 LiveCD, LiveMiniCD and LiveDVD are officially released.
They are available for 32-bit and 64-bit and come with following window manager

LiveMiniCD     icewm
LiveCD         gnome
LiveDVD        gnome, kde, icewm

Software was added from rpmforge, epel and elrepo (see EXTRA SOFTWARE) to 
additional filesystem support (ntfs, reiserfs), secure network connection 
vpnc, pptp), filesystem tools (dd_rescue, ddrescue, gparted, gdisk), and better
multimedia support (gstreamer-ffmpeg, flash-plugin)


- http://ftp.scientificlinux.org/linux/scientific/6.6/i386/iso
- http://ftp.scientificlinux.org/linux/scientific/6.6/x86_64/iso
- http://ftp.scientificlinux.org/linux/scientific/livecd/66/i386
- http://ftp.scientificlinux.org/linux/scientific/livecd/66/x86_64

Alternatively use a public mirror


- software based on SL6.6
- gnome-applets, gnome-utils, evince, ghostscript, poppler and some fonts
were removed from LiveCD(still available on the LiveDVD)


- For SL6 the way how the LiveCD was built has completely changed. It is
  now based on the Fedora LiveCD tools.
- If you install the LiveCD to hard drive, the installation of the live
  image is done by anaconda similar to the normal SL6 installation.
  All changes done during LiveCD usage are lost!
- You can install the LiveCD on an USB stick with persistent changes using
  liveusb-creator included in sl-addons:
    yum --enablerepo=sl-addons install liveusb-creator
- To build your own LiveCD use livecd-tools from sl-addons:
    yum --enablerepo=sl-addons install livecd-tools

EXTRA SOFTWARE (repo sl-livecd-extra)

- fuse-sshfs
- ntfs-3g
- ntfsprogs
- dd_rescue
- ddrescue
- iperf
- flash-plugin
- gstreamer-ffmpeg
- rxvt-unicode (only MiniCD)
- gparted
- gdisk
- NetworkManager-openvpn
- NetworkManager-vpnc
- NetworkManager-pptp
- vpnc-consoleuser
- kmod-reiserfs
- reiserfs-utils


- live_ram         copy entire Live image to RAM (takes a few minutes)
- noswap           do not use SWAP partition found on hard drive
- pw=any_password  set password
- noautologin      disable auto login
- automount        enable auto mounting (rw) of all found hard drives
- user=username    username of local user, default is liveuser
- cups=server      set CUPS server
- hostname=name    set hostname
- check            verify LiveCD before booting
- liveinst         directly start graphical installation to hard drive
- textinst         directly start text based installation to hard drive
- overlay=UUID=    defines the UUID of the USB device used for persistent 
- rdinitdebug      debug dracut boot process
- eject            eject LiveCD/DVD at shutdown

More information can be found at http://www.livecd.ethz.ch

Urs Beyerle

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