Not really the place for this but I need some neural help.

New prototype system for SL 6.4 - 
Installed as a custom install - so we can get disks labeled as we need them.
Set up everything but could not access the Internet.   Since this is a new 
Gigabyte  GA-970A-DS3, AMD quad core, 16G of dram and a couple of TByte 
Used the Ethernet install tool on GNOME and it all looked good - addresses 
checked, router, gateway etc.

When I ran ping             -  address of our router
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
and then 
"insufficient memory" error
The second time I ran "ping"it gave the same result but no memory error.

Added a known good 10/100 Ethernet board and used next address and the exact 
same result.  Used eth1 for new board and  eth0 for the MB Ethernet.

3 rd attempt was an install - upgrade with command line
linux - asknetwork
Set this up as it asked with offset address of,mask,gateway & 
metric = 1 reboot and same result.

This appears to be some kind of Firewall problem.   In SL5.8 you had the 
option of setting it promiscuous and then it all worked and it was easy to 
add the required firewall protections.   But this network is inside the plant 
so we do not check everything.
Would like to turn Firewall stuff off to see if problem goes away but could 
find little info on it .

I am convinced that HW is good, tested cable drop and was able to connect it 
to another box and Ethernet worked.

4.  Next will be an install with a live CD and see if we can make the 
connection with it.

Any ideas as to where to look or how to disable security stuff.

Thank You 
Larry Linder

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