On Friday July 3 2015 11:21 am, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 10:43 AM, Larry Linder
> <larry.lin...@micro-controls.com> wrote:
> > Dear Sir:
> > Loaded SL 7.2 for third time and finally got it to where we can run it.
> > I hate to complain but doe anyone check their work anymore.
> > Or just compile it without errors and shove it out the door.
> >
> > There a several major things missing or wrong:
> > 1.  It groans and complains about size of /boot - its set to 101 Meg.
> > Reloaded 7.2 again and there does not seem to be way away to change size
> > of /boot partition.  I periodically nags at you because there is only 25K
> > left.  Now way to fix problem or to shut of "NAG" function.
> This is not SL, this is upstream at Red Hat Enterprise Linux. There's
> a great deal to dislike about the current, highly graphical anaconda.
> The change from a flow chart, one step at a time, ncurses based,
> checklist  installer of much older versions of Red Hat to the newer,
> bulky, graphical toolkits came with inconsistent layout, confusing
> options, confusing dependencies that used to be automatically handled
> as blockers and dealt with before proceeding in the ncurses, text
> based tools.
> It looks to me,, like in this case, you need to custom partition the
> disk. No idea why "/boot" is so small, but can you reduce the size of
> "/" and then expand "/boot"?
The OS is installed on a 200 Meg Disk and nothing else is on the disk.
Removed all the install partations and still could not change any partation 
size.  It just does not work.

> Unfortunately, each layer of anaconda installer on top of undelying
> tools like parted for disk management, yum for package selection, and
> NetworkManager has injected its own layer of interface on top of
> *another* interface, on top of the actual configuration commands and
> tools. And the results are predictable: edge cases result form
> assumptions that were made, and which break down in practice. The size
> of "/boot" is one of those.
> > 2.  Could not find a way to set up groups or add new users.
> > Had to go back to hand edit of passwd and groups to make it happen.  No
> > way to assign user id numbers.
> What? What happened to "useradd" and "luseradd", "groupadd" and "lgroupadd"
> ?  
As root they are no where to be found which I thought was pretty strange.
> > 3.  Could not find a utility to set up Internet connection - When you
> > used a KDE or Gnome the Mac address of the router was different. !!!!  We
> > have not been able to connect it to Network.
> Yeah, NetworkManager is not my friend. You might benefit from the
> lightweight 'nmcli'. I'm fairly unhappy about NetworkManager:
Networking setup is pretty simple and who ever ginned this up apparantly does 
not know it.
> > 4.  Default monitor was set to a pixel size you need a microscope to make
> > out the text.   If you used the Gnome it said monitor was IBM 12" France.
> >  KDE said monitor was IBM 12" Brazil.  No other options were available.
> > Maybe go back and hand edit Xterm stuff.   A major step back by 20 years.
> Ouch. You're on a laptop?
No we have everything from 17 " - 21" CRT's and LCD's from 17' to 34" we don't 
use anything but CRT's in the shop because a small piece of metal hits it and 
its lights out.

> > 5. With out com and a way to make display readable it becomes useless to
> > run word processor, spread sheet, or anything.  Can't optimize width or
> > set width,  You can go to full screen and the result is the same.
> > There no way to set up terminal for other colors or text.
> > Borders of GNOME are same color as other windows so you have to look
> > twice to see which is which.   List of dislikes goes on and on.
> Gnome is not my friend. I've not tried porting 'vtwm' to SL 7 or RHEL
> 7, but my tools for putting it on SL 6 and RHEL 6 are available at
> https://github.com/nkadel/vtwm-5.5.x-srpm.
> > 6. We (everyone in the shop) unanimously hates the GENOME desk top. 
> > There does not appear to be able to select an alternate.
> See above.
> > 7. Could not find a way to turn off high pitched sound when you tried to
> > step back too far on a line.   This part of "NAG" function and can't turn
> > it off.
> >
> > 8.  Tried to play a CD - old Marty Robins and it skipped tracks and got
> > hung up and could not X it out.  Had to Reboot.   There is something
> > basically wrong with the OS if you can't kill an application.  Disk plays
> > fine in my Dodge truck and does not have any visible defects.  DVD writer
> > is good as we were able to make a dual layer DVD for 7.2 with it using SL
> > 5.11.
> >
> > 9.  Gave up on SL 7.2
> >
> > Notes:
> > The default set up was like a quadriplegic Windows 7.  We use one on our
> > UPS account to ship stuff.  Everyone who uses it hates it.   Another
> > disaster story.
> >
> > We have SL 5.11 deployed in the shop and support about 50 systems.   I
> > would not like to tell the boss that we had to trash 45 to 50 perfectly
> > good monitors and give up our ability to add users, groups and network
> > extensions etc.
> > example:
> > We have a number systems in shop and one by Mill and Lathe so there are
> > no paper prints.  Guys can review prints on line and set up CNC stuff on
> > line. Saves a lot of time.
> Consider testing SL 6, which has _not_ had these problems for me.
> > The evaluation box is a dual core AMD, 16 Gig of Ram, 4 disks - totaling
> > 2 TB. and a GForce Video card, all pretty current stuff and a working
> > 5.11 system. We will reload SL5.11 on to test box and start looking for
> > another Linux distribution that has not been mangled by Ex Microsoft
> > employees, working at RH.
> >
> > Due to obtuse problems we quit evaluation and will not deploy SL 7 -
> >
> > The best solution is to drop back and evaluate SL 6.5 and see if we can
> > live with it.  We have a SL 6.2 used on special project.
> >
> > We need to run spice, a Circuit layout editor, many spread sheets and a
> > number of in house programs to manage inventory, component ordering,
> > e-mail,  VMWare to run several cad packages and a stress analysis
> > program.  Some employees run  12 desktops and two monitors.   So fare we
> > have not see a limitation for 5.11 but have had to install a number of
> > newer libs to accommodate new SW.
> >
> >
> > Larry Linder

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