
For Christmas I was given a ECS Liva Mini PC. 6 months later I still
can't get it to do anything useful. Between the weird drivers that are
required (all in certain versions of the Kernel) and that stupid UEFI
junk, I can't get anything but the latest version of Ubuntu to install
on it and I don't have much of a use for 15.04 on this device. So I have
been doomed to piss away a few hours a weekend, get frustrated, not
touch it for a few weeks, then repeat. :-/

I keep hoping one of these days I can find something interesting to do
with this thing. Which brings me to a online chat conversation yesterday
where a guy claims to have crammed CentOS 7.1 onto one!! Awesome! I
haven't messed with SL 7.1 much, and I really prefer SL over CentOS so
this could be a something useful!! Except 2 hours in and I am banging my
head on the table again...

I first tried PXE booting off a thumb drive for a network install (it is
how I do all my installs). SL 7.1 sees the network card, but won't do
anything with it. Just says the network is unavailable. OK fine. Try the
DVD version on a thumbdrive and Anaconda freaks out and can't find the
USB installation device anymore. Ugh! Dug out a USB DVD drive and burned
the 7.1 DVD. Boots! disks found. Huh?

Dig around in the journalctl (with lots of Internet searching to figure
that out):
mmc0 unrecognized EXT_CSD revision 7

Look online and sure enough, it can't see the internal hard disk. Poke
around a bit more and find several CentOS posts about this exact thing!
mmc-core and mmc-block aren't being loaded. Check lsmod, sure enough not
loaded. Modprobe those two drivers and it seems to be happy!! Alright!

Except the installer refuses to rescan and find the disk!! What?? Why?

OK. Try every trick I can think of to load the drivers in the DVD menu
before boot...nothing. It will not load the drivers until I manually run
modprobe. By that time, the Anaconda installer won't see the disk.


I am getting a little frustrated again, but if I can squeeze SL onto
this device I can actually use it! I have several systems running SL6
right now that I can replace with this thing...but only if I can get SL7
to install.

Does anyone have any clue how I might be able to either force the
drivers to be loaded at the DVD boot menu or get anaconda to rescan for
the disks once I load the module?

Any help or guidance would be /greatly/ appreciated.


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