Apoligize for bad Subject.
I am being forced for security reasons to migrate to 6.8 from 5.10.

I use KDE a have 12 desktops set up so I can run a number of cad
packages and numerous text adn spread sheets.
When I loaded 6.8 on to test hard ware I can't run KDE or switch to KDE.
I searced on web and found a lot of noise.
Any help would be appreciated.
Gnome just is not up the work load.  You speen all your time mousing
around.  I have 12 desktops running with several cad packages, circuit
designs, simulations, spice, Appachie OpenOffice, all running on
different desktops.  I need to switch between subjects quickly.
Thank You
Larry Linder
MicroControls LLC

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