lsb_release comes out of redhat-lsb-core .

Description : The Linux Standard Base (LSB) Core module support provides the
: fundamental system interfaces, libraries, and runtime environment
            : upon which all conforming applications and libraries depend.

Personally, I put it on every system I manage.  But that is me, YMMV.

Based on what you've sent I think I've got it cleaned up.

Can you run:
yum --enablerepo=* clean expire-cache
yum check-update

and see if the problem is resolved?


On 01/26/2017 10:58 AM, Gilbert E. Detillieux wrote:

I've attached two transcript files... The first one (script.txt) is from a newly set-up SL 7.2 system that I upgraded to 7.3 yesterday. The other (script2.txt) is from an older system, that's gone through upgrades from 7.1 to 7.2, then to 7.3, and has a more substantial set of packages and repos installed.

I should add that I see the error messages about the update notices when I run "yum check-update", but not when I run "yum update". (I think I was seeing it on the latter command as well, at least initially, but it's possible that it stopped doing that on an earlier run of "yum clean all" I ran yesterday.) I don't know if that's to be expected or not.

BTW, I don't seem to have the "lsb_release" command installed. Know what package I might find that in?


On 26/01/2017 10:22 AM, Pat Riehecky wrote:
Can I have you send me the output of the following:

yum --enablerepo=* clean expire-cache
yum repolist
lsb_release -a
cat /etc/yum/vars/slreleasever
yum makecache
find /var/cache/yum/x86_64/ -type f -name repomd.xml -ls -exec sha1sum
{} \;


On 01/26/2017 10:06 AM, Gilbert E. Detillieux wrote:
Pat, I'm seeing these same errors, even after a "yum clean all".  This
is just since yesterday's upgrade from SL 7.2 to 7.3, on many boxes.


On 26/01/2017 8:39 AM, Pat Riehecky wrote:

Can I have you run a

yum clean all

and see if the problem persists?


On 01/26/2017 01:12 AM, Maarten wrote:
What do these messages mean? It says to contact the repo owner?


Not using downloaded repomd.xml because it is older than what we have:
  Current   : Wed Jan 25 20:54:42 2017
  Downloaded: Wed Jan 25 20:54:25 2017
Update notice SLBA-2015:2562-1 (from sl-security) is broken, or a bad
duplicate, skipping.
You should report this problem to the owner of the sl-security
Update notice SLBA-2016:1445-1 (from sl-security) is broken, or a bad
duplicate, skipping.
Update notice SLBA-2016:1526-1 (from sl-security) is broken, or a bad
duplicate, skipping.
Update notice SLSA-2017:0021-1 (from sl-security) is broken, or a bad
duplicate, skipping.

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