On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 8:05 PM, Keith Lofstrom <kei...@kl-ic.com> wrote:
> I am considering Inkscape as a technical illustration
> tool for latex documents (papers and book chapters).
> Suggestions for better tools?
> I usually set up bash scripts (with lots of comments)
> to automate the assembly of my documents, rather than
> use graphic environments like openoffice. I am NOT
> looking for a complete document design tool.
> I have Inkscape running now in SL7.3, though it has
> a strange rendering problem (overlaid windows leave
> translucent ghosts) that I'll need to fix if I want
> to use it for production.

I used LaTeX and Inkscape for most of my drawings in my doctorate
dissertation. Though I did not use much of the built-in LaTeX
integration within Inkscape itself, for my documents I exported
drawings as .png or .pdf for better quality and used them as figure
environments. Inkscape is a good portable tool for such things. I used
a Makefile for automation and building of my thesis instead of bash
scripts to assemble the PDF.

Serguei Mokhov
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