On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 12:46 PM, Yasha Karant <ykar...@csusb.edu> wrote:
> I know at one time that there was a proprietary (licensed for fee)
> development environment that was native and portable to X11, Mac OS, and MS
> Win -- that is, using this "magic" set of libraries, etc., the same source
> code (ANSI C++ base as I recall) would have the same GUI interface in the
> developed application on all three of these.  I do not recall for which
> releases this worked.  (My assumption is that there must be something still
> like this as many "major" web browser applications have variants for each of
> these different environments.)
> In a similar way, but hopefully open systems (not licensed for fee), is
> there a lowest common denominator for Linux that will work on both Red Hat
> and Debian based distros (e.g., SL, Fedora, etc., and Ubuntu, Mint, etc.)?
> -- not necessarily the latest and greatest, but write once (preferably in
> ANSI C++ current GNU production release), compile on each environment, and
> run.   I know that this works for various interpreters (e.g., java, python)
> -- but we are looking for compiled to physical machine code if possible.



Serguei Mokhov
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