On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 7:12 PM, Wirtti Pereira <wirttipere...@hotmail.com>

> Hi, thanks a lot for your help, I do appreciate it 😊
> I'll try to answer your questions, I am not that skilled on linux.
> About version, see the output:
> [rafael@fermi ~]$ cat /etc/*release
> NAME="Scientific Linux"
> VERSION="7.4 (Nitrogen)"
> ID="rhel"
> ID_LIKE="scientific centos fedora"
> VERSION_ID="7.4"
> PRETTY_NAME="Scientific Linux 7.4 (Nitrogen)"
> ANSI_COLOR="0;31"
> CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:scientificlinux:scientificlinux:7.4:GA"
> HOME_URL="http://www.scientificlinux.org//";
> BUG_REPORT_URL="mailto:scientific-linux-de...@listserv.fnal.gov";
> REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT="Scientific Linux 7"
> Scientific Linux release 7.4 (Nitrogen)
> Scientific Linux release 7.4 (Nitrogen)
> Scientific Linux release 7.4 (Nitrogen)
> Well, I didn't know anything about epel or dkms. When trying to install
> Nvidiz by Yum, there were dependencies. then I look for dkms. The Dell site
> recommended to install epel in advance. Thus there were a chain of packs I
> supposedly had to install in advance.

> So I did $yum install epel, next I've downloaded the dkms rpm and
> installed via yum as well. Next I've installed Nvidia drivers by $yum
> install *nvidia*

So you're running Scientific Linux 7. Cool, that's what I was guessing.

Wait a moment here. Did you do something like htis:

* yum install epel-release
* yum install dkms

Or did you get that RPM for dkms from somewhere else than EPEL? Please, be
aware that installing RPM's from random other repositories can be... well,
a source of confusion.

Then I've accessed a Nvidia visual app installed but did nothing there.
> I've assumed the board was not visible yet by the system and then I've
> decided to reboot and try to load the drivers. What happens next you
> already know, the boot has freezed and I've tried to boot over again and
> again ever since.
> Although freeze in the middle, when I hit <ctrl> <alt> F2 I can go to a
> shell and log in. Then I can do a lot, including run Gromacs or access this
> PC from my mac through ssh.
> Once I can log in in the shell can I fix the system from there?
> You've said I could recover the system booting from USB but I don't know
> how to do it. Should I have the Scientific Linux in a stick?
> Thanks, Rafael

Umm. Maybe. You have a working shell hitting Ctrl-Alt-F2? Then it's just X
that is dead, not the operating system. *Good*. Repairing X should be
easier than fixing the boot system.

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