I finally figured out my problem.

(1) You don't need xinetd. The tftp-server package is enough. Iow, systemd supersedes xinetd.

(2) Although the tftp-server rpm installs /etc/xinetd.d/tftp, there is no need to change `disable = yes` in this file.

(3) The command `systemctl enable tftp` will enable tftp.socket. On reboot, the socket will be "listening". The tftp.service will still be dead.

(4) If the tftp client has a firewall, it needs to do:

    # firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=7130-7140/udp
    $ tftp -R 7130:7140 mytftpserver.org
    tftp> ...

Then, all works.

My problem was actually step 4 which I did to test the server. In my application this is never necessary as I'm using tftp for pxebooting.

On 9/11/18 9:30 AM, Ken Teh wrote:
I need help with how to enable tftp service. I am trying to get something done and I have no patience for systemd's convoluted logic.

The tftp-server installs

(1) /etc/xinetd.d/tftp

(2) tftp.socket  (what's this?)

(3) tftp.service

Manually, I can start the service and everything works. But enabling the service stays disabled or indirect. Enabling the socket does not start the service on reboot. Do I need xinetd or does systemd deprecate xinetd?

Geez!  I miss the old days when Unix was simple.

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