Did you try clicking on Nico's link? ProofPoint decodes their obfuscated re-write, checks to make sure it's a legit site, then opens the proper page.
I just clicked on it and it took me to Nico's github scripts area.

Our campus (UIUC) has used it for many years now. Fermilab just started using it. Lots of places use it. Arguably a somewhat contentious implementation, there are arguments for and against its use. The argument for (at the higher up level in an organization) is to keep people who blindly click on links in their email from going to bad nasty sites (think non-savvy students and other folks).

For those of us who have been around and ALWAYS check an embedded link in email, it's a PITA! However, there are ProofPoint decoders out there. My favorite can be found here (and I am going to re-write the link with spaces in hopes that ProofPoint won't mangle it - we'll see...)

https : // itsa . ifas . ufl . edu / email / proofpoint . shtml

I have this bookmarked in my Chrome bookmarks bar for quick lookups.

Hope that helps your angst somewhat.
- Larry

Yasha Karant wrote on 10/17/18 11:48 PM:
As I explained, I cannot transmit or receive URLs within SMTP email and
perhaps other modalities due to the security measures of the campus with
which I am associated, as you can see below in URL modification.  Until
I can get my SL users email address permanently reset, please email any
URL information to ykar...@gmail.com .  I apologize for this, but I have
no control or input to any system under the current campus
administration, as faculty (including tenured full professors) who are
not campus administrators (deans or higher administrators in most cases)
are informed of actions, but otherwise have little meaningful influence
over decisions.

I will attempt to implement what is suggested below without access to
the Kadel-Garcia tool set, but I suspect that the tool set will save me
some time and effort.

Thanks for your patience.

Yasha Karant

On 10/17/2018 08:03 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 12:07 PM Yasha Karant <ykar...@csusb.edu> wrote:
How does one update SL 7 using a mounted USB flash drive as the source
of a repo, rather than using any external network?  There were
instructions for doing this for EL pre-7 distributions, but I cannot
find similar instructions for SL 7.  I have a USB flash drive with the
current double-layer DVD SL7.5 install image (ISO) and that does work --
I just did a fresh install of SL7.5 using this media.
One sets up a new or one of the existing /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo files
to look at the locally mounted CD drive. I would copy "sl7.repo" to
"sl7-local.repo", and reset the repository names to "sl7-local" and
the like, and set their URLs to point to
"file:///mountpoint/7.version/x86_64/os" and similar URLs.

I've done just this sort of thing, successfully for internal SL,
CentOS, and RHEL mirrors. You may find my tools at
 helpful for generateing
your local mirror, especially the one for Scientific Linux.

P. Larry Nelson (217-693-7418) | IT Administrator Emeritus
810 Ventura Rd.                | High Energy Physics Group
Champaign, IL  61820           | Physics Dept., Univ. of Ill.
MailTo: lnel...@illinois.edu   | 
 "Information without accountability is just noise."  - P.L. Nelson

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