This really off topic but there REL error reporting does not work.
It is not a centOS tool but RedHat.

Saturday PM - first failure.  At least we could reboot system.
Sunday AM - second failure.  System is dead and SL 6.9 must be
reinstalled before Monday.

Tried to install centOS 8 and it gets to point where I sets up disks in
classical scheme, so as not to clobber users files, 
it asks for root pass word and it crashes.  The crash is reproducible
but the result Saturday was recoverable, Sunday's crash is not

I checked download for errors and it agrees with their check sums.

Have been a SL user since 4.1 and never seen anything like this.  I wish
SL could continue as the centOS 8 is half baked.  You can't send an
error message to them !!!  The Red Hat bug reporting tool goes no where.
This is why we never used Fedora - you couldn't thrust it.

We had planned to up date our business to centOS 8 but I think we will
stick with SL 7.6 and update all system to that level and quit for a

I would like to thank all the troops and contributors to SL for an
outstanding work.

If anyone know how to forward the error messages to centOS I will try a
third time next weekend.

Thank You
Larry Linder
MicroControls LLC

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