Excerpt from a previous post on this matter:

On Thu, 2021-05-06 at 02:43 -0400, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
The misfeatures you've groused about are not due to AlmaLinux, they're
straight RHEL problems. Let's assign blame and credit where they are
End excerpt.

Presumably, Rocky Linux (IBM RHEL "clone") does have the same "misfeatures"? Would one of the after-EL repos (ElRepo et al.) be willing to produce an alternative set of RPMs to address the "misfeatures"? Would Alma or Rocky or ... ? No point in mentioning Fermilab/CERN -- SL8 will never exist.

On 5/6/21 1:08 PM, ~Stack~ wrote:
On 5/6/21 11:07 AM, Larry Linder wrote:
I am going to sign up to do testing for "almaLinux", I would like to see
it succeed.

Feel free to test out Rockylinux.org as well. The first RC just happened and there's a lot of good tests and updates going on over there.

I think it's good to have multiple distros taking place of CentOS and the healthier both communities are the better for everyone.


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