Hi Steve,
The account is my own user account and I can ssh to it.
I currently have iptables off.
I do have:
ftpd: ALL
in /etc/hosts.allow
ALL: ALL: banners /etc/banners
in host.deny (again, I can ssh into the node just fine).
Thanks for the reply.
This problem is puzzling to me.

I tied added the -v option (actually -v -v -v just in case) to server_args in xinetd.d/gssftp. I just get the additional info of importing the ftp and host principal info (from the keytab).
In my /etc/krb5.keytab file I do see something a bit strange:
The KVNO for the ftp entry is 3 while the host line has KVNO 6.


Steven Timm wrote:
Does the account that you are trying to ftp into on the
server side have a valid shell?  is that shell listed in /etc/shells?
Is ftpd open in the iptables on the server side, and in /etc/hosts.allow,


On Thu, 30 Jul 2009, Ron Rechenmacher wrote:

I'm having trouble connecting to a SLF5 kerberized ftpd from an SLF5 kerberized ftp client.

On the server, I'm using:
rpm -qf /usr/kerberos/sbin/ftpd

On the client, I'm using:
rpm -qf rpm -qf /usr/kerberos/bin/ftp

On the client side, I get:
GSSAPI error major: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information
GSSAPI error minor: Permission denied
GSSAPI error: acquiring credentials
GSSAPI authentication failed

and on the server side, in /var/log/messages, I get:
  ftpd[25305]: gssapi error acquiring credentials

I do have a valid ticket! and I can connect to another SLF5 node, so it seems to be a server issue.

I've tried looking at the kdc logs on fnalu...
I use to be able to "tail -f" the log in the tmp directory but now I can just see a log file that seems to be several hours old. In that log file, however, I do see an "ISSUE:" line for my server, so it would appear that I do have a valid ftp principal.

Any suggestions?


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