On 05/29/2010 08:03 PM, Dr J wrote:
g wrote:
Dr J wrote:

Now I can get fan speeds and voltages which were not available before...
Any ideas???

do you have 'lm-sensors' and associated programs installed.

easy way, open yum-ex, select 'all' and enter 'sensors' for filter.

Thanks for the reply. Yes I do have lm_sensors and it is working..Iget
results for theF71882FG module which gives fan speeds and voltages.
An examination of /etc/sysconfig/lm-sensors shows

Coretemp worked in SL5.4 but not in SL5.5
modprobe -l|grep coretemp shows:

CPU is an i7-920


Coretemp didn't exist in the 5.4 kernel so the only way you could have had it working was if you've installed the driver from a 3rd party repo - elrepo.org maybe?

Redhat backported coretemp into el5.5 but it's still relatively old (from around kernel-2.6.26 IIRC), and I'm not sure it and/or lm_sensors in el5.5 supports i7 CPUs.

I'd suggest you try the driver (and associated lm_sensors package dependency) from elrepo.org:


Hope that helps.


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