When installing SL5.5 over SL5.4 about mid way into the Disk 2 I get an Error 
message to REBOOT.
204 Meg on /mnt/sysimage/usr

When I look at /mnt   it is empty after reboot.
My guess is that update ran out of disk space, and the the sysimage/usr is 
removed after ERROR is detected and REBOOT message is displayed.

Is there anyway to change the location of sysimage/usr to some other disk on 
the system?

The sda? contains all the system directories and is 36 G, about 1/2 of it is 
uncommitted.   /usr is 8G and 94% full.  Other directories have at least a G 
of spare space.

I need to change partition sizes but hate to waste a lot of time guessing.

Thank You
Larry Linder

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