Thus far the tests have been positive, but several people have asked me one question.

Do you have to reboot your machine for this update to take effect?

I *believe* the answer is "You don't have to reboot your machine for this update to take effect, but it is a good practice."

The postinstall script that get's run (glibc_post_upgrade.<arch>) is a binary, so I can't tell exactly what it does. I know that at a minimum is restarts init. So at the very least, every process started after the update is affected. It might do more than that, and it probably does. But I don't know that for a fact.


Troy J Dawson wrote:
Due to the high demand for this glibc update, we are putting it into our general testing area so that people can install it as soon as possible. Although this glibc hasn't gone through our full testing procedure, it has gone through preliminary testing, and we expect it to pass all of our testing.

This glibc update fixes CVE-2010-3847

We plan on pushing this out on tomorrow - 21 October 2010

To test or update


          yum --enablerepo=sl-testing update glibc\*

or you can download rpm's by hand at


Troy Dawson
Troy Dawson  daw...@fnal.gov  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/SCF/FEF/SLSMS Group

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