On 8/18/2011 5:33 PM, Pablo Cavero wrote:

I have another question, so how to I can do an kernel update, and don't lose the proprietary modules. I use a Raid Adaptec and Network Cards Intel, and if I move, like example, from the Kernel:




How to I keep the modules??

I have the GCC, Make, etc, and Source of the Intel Drivers for the NICS, but for the Adaptec Drivers, only have the Disk pre-config to the first time of installs. The Intel driver was compiled and installed in the same server.

Best Regards,

Pablo Cavero
System Engineer
+569 8920 9509 <tel:%2B569%208920%209509>

I'd have a look at ELRepo and see if your drivers are there. They build kmod drivers that will track with kernel upgrades as best as possible. You can use them as an example to build your own at the very least.


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