On 21/08/11 04:48, Jon Peatfield wrote:

btw there are plenty of rpms of the nvidia drivers using dkms for the
auto-kernel-module rebuilding (and probably others using kabi tracking).
We use locally maintained rpms based on the DAG srpms but with some
local tweaks (which might make them not ideal for others) and updated to
a version of the nvidia binary blobs that we just download from nvidia
whenever we feel the need for an update...

Until recently we were using nvidia version 190.42, but are in the
middle of updating to 280.13 at the moment - so far it seems to be fine
and we plan to roll it out to the rest of our sl5 boxes next Wednesday...

That said we do this mainly for X support - that these drivers also
support CUDA is mostly (for us) a bonus though we do have one box with a
C1060 card using it...

Dag's dkms drivers have been unmaintained for some time and are deprecated in favour of the nvidia kmod packages available in elrepo. These are currently well maintained and version 280.13 has been available since it's upstream release.


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