On 2011-09-12, at 12:51 PM, Steve Jahl wrote:

>>>> I know I have successfully set up LDAP *and* NFS, because I can log in
>>>> remotely with SSH as well as on a terminal.  However, when I try to log
>>> in
>>>> with GDM or XDM, it will accept my password, black out the screen, and
>>>> then return to either GDM or XDM.  I *can*, however, log in with a local
>>>> account.
> In my experience, if there's an auth failure, GDM prints a warning on the 
> login window, rather than blacking out the screen, and dumping you back to a 
> login window. Seeing as you can auth via other methods, I don't think this is 
> the case. You can probably find some info as to what's happening in the 
> /var/log/gdm/* log files.
> To me, it sounds to me like there's a crash somewhere in your gnome session. 
> Is there any relevant information in the ldap user's ~/.xsession-errors file?
> I've also seen this happen if there's a corrupted session state file 
> (~/.gnome2/session). You can try removing that, and see if if clears anything 
> up for you.
> -Steve

hrm... Well I'm able to log into other machines using my home directory, so I 
don't think it's the gnome session.  I've tried removing *all* of ~/.gnome2 but 
that didn't work either.

I do have some information in the .xsession-errors, but I can't tell if 
something is actually crashing or if something is just gracefully failing:

/etc/gdm/PreSession/Default: Registering your session with utmp
/etc/gdm/PreSession/Default: running: /usr/bin/sessreg -a -u /var/run/utmp -x 
"/var/gdm/:0.Xservers" -h "" -l ":0" "ctooley"
localuser:ctooley being added to access control list
No profile for user 'ctooley' found
SESSION_MANAGER=local/<computer name>:/tmp/.ICE-unix/3305
Window manager warning: Failed to read theme from file 
/usr/share/themes/Slider/metacity-1/metacity-theme-1.xml: Failed to open file 
'/usr/share/themes/Slider/metacity-1/metacity-theme-1.xml': No such file or 
Window manager warning: Failed to load theme "Slider": Failed to open file 
'/usr/share/themes/Slider/metacity-1/metacity-theme-1.xml': No such file or 
Introspect error: The name edu.duke.linux.yum was not provided by any .service 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/puplet", line 467, in ?
  File "/usr/bin/puplet", line 464, in main
  File "/usr/bin/puplet", line 451, in run
  File "/usr/bin/puplet", line 191, in _refreshInfo
    if self.updatesObject is not None and \
AttributeError: DBusException instance has no attribute '_dbus_error_name'

** (nm-applet:3422): WARNING **: No connections defined

** (nm-applet:3422): WARNING **: Invalid return value type: 
Initializing nautilus-open-terminal extension
process 3403: Applications must not close shared connections - see 
dbus_connection_close() docs. This is a bug in the application.
process 3403: Applications must not close shared connections - see 
dbus_connection_close() docs. This is a bug in the application.
Window manager warning: CurrentTime used to choose focus window; focus window 
may not be correct.
Window manager warning: Got a request to focus the no_focus_window with a 
timestamp of 0.  This shouldn't happen!

A bunch of warnings, and some process "bug" reports. :\


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