On 09/16/2011 09:21 PM, Todd And Margo Chester wrote:
Hi All,

I have a sweet old duffer on CentOS 5.6, x32 with
an HP DJ 6940 printer on the USB bus. CUPS like to
put it offline a lot, which frustrates the two of us.

There is also no easy way to clean the heads (other
than a dubious command line program).

Can anyone recommend a Linux friendly ink jet? One
with a front panel control to clean the thing? Must
be CUPS friendly too.

Many thanks,

I've been using HP exclusively for years with SL. USB going offline has been a problem in the past, and there are scripts to help with it (newer cups version handle things more gracefully). Currently I've been using HP Officejet 7000WF printers over ethernet with extremely good luck. They provide a web interface to perform all of the Windows driver functions, as well as a few buttons on the front to print diagnostics and initiate head cleanings.


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