On 13/10/11 16:51, Steven Leikeim wrote:
On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 09:38:31AM -0600, Alex Finch wrote:
We have a number of SL 5.5 machines with ATI graphics cards. We have discovered 
that they freeze when using the ati proprietary driver (fglrx). I am guessing 
this is since the recent xorg-x11-server update on 7th October. They had worked 
fine previously, and they work ok if I revert to a default xorg.conf. Does 
anyone else see this problem, or even better, have a solution?

  Alex Finch

We had the same problem here (with SL 5.6) on some lab machines where we have
to use the ATI proprietary driver. As I was away on Friday when this showed
up, the machines were rebuilt resulting in working machines (but with mediocre
performance). Re-installing our local custom RPM for the fglrx driver was
successful with no changes required.

I suspect that the problem arises from the fglrx driver replacing some of the
system files with it's own and when these files were changed by the RPM they
belong to, the fglrx driver got confused and stopped operating properly.

It looks like the solution may be as simple as just re-installing the fglrx

Steven Leikeim

That would make sense. The ATI installer overwrites some OpenGL libs with it's own libs and if the package providing those libs within the distro subsequently receives an update then it will subsequently overwrite the ATI libs thus breaking the driver.

This is one of the advantages of using a properly packaged version of the driver - the ATI libs can then be safely installed to a location where they will not conflict with the distro libs and this type of situation can be avoided.

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