I forgot to send it to the list.


-------- Message original --------
Sujet:  Re: Filezilla: GnuTLS error when using FTPES
Date :  Tue, 17 Jan 2012 22:07:40 +0100
De :    Alain Péan <alain.p...@lpp.polytechnique.fr>
Pour :  palmerlwatson <palmerlwat...@postafiok.hu>


I have the exact same problem runnig Filezilla under windows, latest
version 3.5.3. The previous version 3.5.2 works. The FTP server is on an
Ubuntu 8.04 LTS 64 bit, using vsftpd :
$ vsftpd -v
vsftpd: version 2.0.6

So I can confirm it seems to be a bug with the latest Filezilla version
(3.5.3), using FTPES.

Here is the error message I get :
GnuTLS error -12: A TLS fatal alert has been received.


Le 17/01/2012 19:16, palmerlwatson a écrit :

 /etc/init.d/iptables stop

 and tried it again with Filezilla. The same error message.

 I tried it with gftp:
 I got connection timed out (iptables still off)

 So I tried with an Ubuntu 11.04 (on the same machine/network, but in
 VirtualBox). I installed Filezilla from the Ubuntu repositories:

 root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# dpkg -l | grep -i filezilla
 ii  filezilla                   
                Full-featured graphical FTP/FTPS/SFTP client
 ii  filezilla-common            
                Architecture independent files for filezilla
 root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# lsb_release -a
 No LSB modules are available.
 Distributor ID:        Ubuntu
 Description:   Ubuntu 11.04
 Release:       11.04
 Codename:      natty

 and it worked!! So it looks like the problem isn't on FTP server side.
 The problem is on FTP client side.

 If any further info needed please tell me, and I will be glad to give
 that information.

 Since I didn't find "ftp-ssl" package in the SL repositories, I
 couldn't try out the thing from terminal..

 The FTPS password is simple, that's not the problem.

 Here are my configured repositories:

 [root@pc ~]# yum repolist
 repo id
   repo name
   Adobe Systems Incorporated
   RHEL 6.1 - RPMforge.net - dag
   Skype Repository
   Scientific Linux 6.1 - x86_64
   Scientific Linux 6.1 - x86_64 - security updates
 repolist: 11.209
 [root@pc ~]#

 Could it be a problem with the CertificateAuthorities installed (or
 not installed?) on my PC?

 Thanks for any help.

 2012/1/17 Felip Moll<lip...@gmail.com>:
 I remember that no much time ago there was an incompatibility with Proftpd
 and Filezilla and I remember some other problems with these two programs.

 For example:

 I suggest you to search on Google for your specific problem to be sure that
 the cause is your computer, because maybe it is not. With gFTP or another
 ftp client does it work?

 best regards

 2012/1/17 Ray Van Dolson<ra...@bludgeon.org>
 On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 04:27:52PM +0100, palmerlwatson wrote:
 When I'm trying to log in to a server via FTPS with Filezilla I get
 these FTP messages from the server:

 Response:   220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
 Response:   220 You will be disconnected after 60 minutes of inactivity.
 Command:    AUTH TLS
 Response:   234 AUTH TLS OK.
 Status: Initializing TLS...
 Error:  GnuTLS error -50: The request is invalid.
 Error:  Failed to initialize TLS.
 Error:  Could not connect to server

 It worked great before on Fedora 14/Filezilla. But now I'm using
 Scientific-Linux with Filezilla (I reinstalled my PC from Fedora to
 Scientific Linu), and it gives this. What am I missing?

 I installed Scientific Linux as a "Normal Desktop" from the 64bit DVD:

 [user@pc ~]$ lsb_release -a
 LSB Version:

 Distributor ID:    Scientific
 Description:    Scientific Linux release 6.1 (Carbon)
 Release:    6.1
 Codename:    Carbon
 [g@a ~]$ rpm -qa | egrep -i "filezilla|gnutls"
 [user@pc ~]$

 I downloaded Filezilla from here


 because I didn't find it in the repositories.

 Does anybody knows why do I get this answer? I mean what is the
 solution to make it work? (again: connection worked with Fedora 14 on
 the same day.)

 Thank you!
 Maybe you have some sort of smart firewall in the middle which doesn't
 recognize the encrypted traffic as part of an FTP session?

 (Or perhaps such a firewall exists on the remote side).


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