On Jan 18, 2012, at 22:09 , Steven Timm wrote:

> Sorry for the fermi-ized url's below--but if anyone
> has been able to make SL6 on SL5 work with the corresponding
> vanilla SL, please let me know too.

Works fine here. But maybe that's just due to of a couple of compatibility 
symlinks we have:

EFI -> os/EFI
GPL -> os/GPL
Packages -> os/Packages
SL -> .
images -> os/images
repodata -> os/repodata

And as the location, we specify http://.../SL/6.1/x86_64 just like we would for 


> (SL6 guest on SL6 host works fine with virt-install).
> Thanks
> Steve Timm
> On Wed, 18 Jan 2012, Steven Timm wrote:
>> Has anyone yet successfully been able to install a SL6 guest
>> on a SL5 Xen host?  according to TUV it is supposed to be supported
>> but I am having difficulty figuring out what the "location"
>> URL should be for SL6.
>> In the SL5 on SL5 case I just use the same url that
>> I would use for a normal http install, namely
>> http://linux.fnal.gov/linux/slf57/x86_64/sites/Fermi/
>> the SL6 boot image seems to indicate that the corresponding URL is
>> http://linux1.fnal.gov/linux/fermi/slf6.1/x86_64/os/
>> But when I try to do that with virt-install I get the error:
>> ValueError:  Could not find an installable distribution at 
>> http://linux1.fnal.gov/linux/fermi/slf6.1/x86_64/os/
>> The code in question, DistroManager.py has code for RHEL4 and RHEL5
>> as well as sl distro but no difference between version 5 and 6.
>> Looks like it is trying to get ...images/xen/initrd.img and 
>> images/xen/vmlinuz, which are there.
>> Is there a newer version of virt-install out there that might
>> be able to handle the 6-on-5 case?
>> Steve Timm

Stephan Wiesand
Platanenallee 6
15738 Zeuthen, Germany

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