Have you looked into setting up a Squid proxy/filter? Much less of a
headache than doing it at the iptables level.

On 10/04/2012 08:26 AM, Michael Tiernan wrote:
> On 10/4/12 3:27 AM, vivek chalotra wrote:
>> And now i want to block youtube on my network.
> It can be done with iptables however it's not for the faint of heart.
> I did some reading about it on a dd-wrt website and it wasn't
> something I found as an easy solution to a single problem such as this.
> However, blocking by name string leaves open the ipaddress approach so
> you have to do both things and this isn't something easily maintained.
> May I respectfully suggest that the problem isn't at the iptables
> level but at the user level?
> A simple "You do it, you're cut off." rule is more effective and would
> move the responsibility from you and the system software to those
> managing the users.
> -- 
>   << MCT >>   Michael C Tiernan xmpp:mtier...@mit.edu +1 (617) 324-9173
>   MIT - Laboratory for Nuclear Science - http://www.lns.mit.edu
>   High Perf Research Computing Facility at The Bates Linear Accelerator
>     Please avoid sending me MS-Word or MS-PowerPoint attachments.
>     See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html

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