Well there is your problem
The users home directory needs to be 700 unless you turn off strict key
checking in the sshd configuration file. Also the public key should be 600
as well.

Making home directories world or group readable isn't a good plan for
collaberation because many applications store sensitive information like
passwords and cached information like session data in the home directory.
instead consider creating group directories an setting the setgid bit on it
so the group permissions are inherited by any files created in the
Making home directories world or group readable is a lazy solution to an
easily solved problem. Its a common mistake that causes loads of problems
because many application which are written to be secure purposly break when
you do it.
I highly suggest you comeup with a better plan for collaberation than that.
On Nov 21, 2012 11:10 PM, "Joseph Areeda" <newsre...@areeda.com> wrote:

> On 11/21/2012 07:08 PM, Alan Bartlett wrote:
>> On 22 November 2012 01:18, Joseph Areeda <newsre...@areeda.com> wrote:
>>> The user's directory is 755 which is the convention for grid computers in
>>> our collaboration and the plan is for this machine to be on our soon to
>>> be
>>> delivered cluster.  The .ssh directory is 700.  This doesn't change
>>> between
>>> the working and non-working state.
>> Good, you've checked the directory.
>> Now what about the files within it? Hopefully they are all 600?
>> Alan.
> Alan,
> The private keys are all 600 and the public keys are 644.  I keep a few
> different ones for going to different systems.
> Joe

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