​Thanks for the email and apologies for the delay!

I had time to work on the machine and I want to make sure I understand your
​ - things are not working yet​

When the machine boots, I get a grub screen that allows
e to choose between 4 kernels (2 versions, and their debug version twins).

I select this one,

​Scientific Linux​ (3.10.0-229.20.1.el7.x86_64) 7.1 Nitrogen

​The I ​
​ and am in some sort of editor.​

hen append "clocksource=acpi_pm" to the linux16 line, so it reads something

​linux16 /vmlinuz-3.10.0-229.20.1.el7.x86_64 root=UUID=b7.....etc ro rhgh
quit Lang=en... systemd.debug *clocksource=acpi_pm*​

​then Ctrl-x to boot?​

​I've done this with

​hpet, acpi_pm and ​
​ and i
n every case, the tsc error appears and the machine refuses to boot. The
machine also refuses to run the installation CD
​ (I assume ​b/c its trying to so the same kernel boot?).

​Does this sound like a hardware error?  The (intel) bios is updated (and
that seems successful).​  Is there a well-known trouble-shooting utility
that I can use to diagnose bad mb, bad cpu, bad memory, etc?

​Any suggestions would be welcome!


On 12/18/2015 05:19 PM, Nathan Moore wrote:

> ...
> In the time since (after turning freq scaling back on, and occasionally
> before), I've seen the "Fast TSC calibration failed" error during boot.
> This error locks up the machine and it doesn't make it to the login screen.
> Most of the google results from this error call it harmless.  Does it
> sound like this error relates to my hardware (rather than SL7?)
> My Dell Precision M6500 throws the Fast TSC Calibration error every three
or four boots; it doesn't lock it up (in fact, it threw the error when I
booted it today, and it's still running several hours later).  Are you
booting up with full kernel logging enabled rather than being in quiet mode.

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