---- On Thu, 28 Jan 2016 17:15:19 -0800 Robert Arkiletian 
<rob...@gmail.com> wrote ---- 

> How can I verify that an ext4 data partition is being unmounted properly 
at (reboot/shutdown) on a sysV init system. I've looked at S01reboot and 
S01halt scripts in etc but what I'm concerned about is that I mounted my 
partition on a tmpfs dir mount point. So if those S01 scripts try to umount the 
tmpfs dir first they may get a "target busy" and then they will try a force 
umount. (I think that's not good)

>Basically I'm trying to verify that the partition (on reboot/shutdown) is 
being unmounted before its tmpfs mount point. Is there an easy way to verify 

Hi Robert,

I do something similar.  I look in /etc/mtab to see if they are mounted.
I do something like this:

$ grep TripStick /etc/mtab 
/dev/sdc1 /mnt/TripStick ext4 
rw,sync,seclabel,nosuid,nodev,relatime,data=ordered 0 0
then use if "-z" or "-n" to test.

I can throw something up a more complicated example for your in 
bash or perl, so you can use it as a starting point.


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