Hi All,

I am working on a design for a customer for an in house backup
repository.  I could use Samba, but Ransom Ware takes after anything
with a drive letter. So I was look at Cobian Backup which allows Windows machines to backup to an FTP server, thus defeating Ransom
Ware's ability to infect backups with drive letters.

Cobian Backup also do not use proprietary formats.  And their
files would be accessible by using "ftp://local.ftp.server";
from Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer).

So, I was wondering if any of you had a favorite easy to administer FTP
server that was SL 7.2 friendly?

Many thanks,

rsync would work too, but it is not accessible through Windows
Explorer.  (Any time you assign a drive letter, Ransom Ware will
tag all your files.)

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

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