These last episodes sort of reminded me of Clinton's last few months in office; as to how he thew out all these ideas in hopes of someone grasping them in the future...

Keith Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Not if handled by that crop of writers...Green was yet another of the many, many topics set forth in the OS that could have been explored in "Enterprise". Too bad his exposure was limited to a recording in a sub-standard show.
-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Astromancer
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 14:30
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] "Enterprise" episode "Terra Prime"

Hmm...I would love to see an elaboration of this Colonel Green character...It would give me some more insight in the that last story...or maybe not...

Keith Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Right, he appeared in the OS episode "The Savage Curtain", where beings on a planet of lava recreate figures from history that represent good and evil. They then make the two sides fight. The aliens had no real concept of  good and evil, and wanted to know which was stronger and how they differed. On the "good" team were Kirk, Spock, Surak (the father of Vulcan Logic), and Abraham Lincoln! The "evil" gang included father of the Klingon Empire Kahless, Genghis Khan, some creepy-looking alien lady who had experimented on her people, and Colonel Green, who had led a genocidal campaign on Earth. 
-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Astromancer
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2005 01:44
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Enterprise" episode "Terra Prime"

Um...Who Is Colonel Green? Oh....From TOS?

Martin Pratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Somewhere, on some rogue website, I recall spotting a blurb spoiler about "Enterprise" and the final eps that suggested that Weller would be playing Colonel Green. I was all ready for that, figuring how great Green's xenophobic actions would play out against Starfleet's attempts to establish the Federation. One more letdown in a long string of letdowns...

Keith Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well, I wish I could say I liked the second episode better, but nope. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it just didn't move me. It seemed at once rushed, unengaging, and dull. Somehow Peter Weller's villainous xenophobe failed to resonate, coming off more as an irritant bigot than a threat to galactic peace. Certainly he didn't paint the portrait of a man who'd hoped to be mentioned in the same breath as the infamous Colonel Green.   The whole plot device with him taking over the Mars Virtiron Array as a terroristic threat wasn't very exciting either.  The sub-standard plot and action made me realize that the focus was shifted to the wrong thing. Here we had an upcoming major peace conference, Terra Prime's threatening to destroy Starfleet Command, yet there was very little coverage of things on Earth, on the reactions of the delegates, media coverage of the impending disaster.  Rather than time spent on the posturing Weller and his bald, black racist flunkies, or on sub-standard FX, I'd like to have seen more focus on Earth itself. It would have been nice to see the delegates as they wrestled with the significance of the still-healthy racist element on Earth. I still have issues with the Black racist sidekicks used as an ironic commentary.
The one thing that did resonate was the storyline around Elizabeth, Trip and T'Pol's baby. To see him crying at the end, T'Pol's look and anguish, and their holding hands--well, that was powerful. The comment that the delegates wanted to attend her ceremony was a nice touch too.
Overall I'd just rate it as an average show that again reminded me of a season one episode.

"Excuse me while I whip this out."
Cleavon Little , "Blazing Saddles"

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