I agree. In fact, I plan to be out of action for most of '09, because I plan on volunteering for every Democratic candidate on the ballot in '08, and going so hard that I will be in need of hospitalization. This is OUR country, not just THEIRS.

g123curious <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Agreed. It is wrong. However, most Radical Republicans I've talked
with have this attitude: "Politics is a rough sport. Stop whinning
and deal with it. Plus, we Republicans have the votes in the House
and Senate. So, we can do as we please."

What we progressives, Independents, Democrats, and sensible
Republicans need to do is vote out these radicals in the upcoming
elections. That seems to be the only "feedback" the Radical Right
will listen to.


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, "Kelly Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> This is so wrong, and the arrogance of it is stunning. The
> Republicans think they have forged a permanent majority so
> they feel they are immune to the consequences.  This is
> incredibly short-sighted. It reminds me of when the Republicans
> engineered the two-term limitation on presidents after Roosevelt
> won four consecutive terms. Little did they know they would be
> altering history. Without term limitations there would have been
> no Watergate as Nixon would have easily won a third term and
> Ronald Reagan could have served into his senility. (On the other
> hand, Bill Clinton would still be president).


"Excuse me while I whip this out."
Cleavon Little , "Blazing Saddles"

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