, I'll never lay eyes on this in my life.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:          Okay, now some thoughts on the film, with 
some spoilers. Those of you who haven't seen it--or who are sick of my 
e-mails--delete this. In no particular order:


* I really, really could have done without the Tobey McGuire dance routine. A 
few steps would have been sufficient, but it went on too long and was rather 
stupid. The symbiote should be about enhancing his aggression, confidence, and 
powers, but dance moves??? His "Saturday Night Fever" steps on the streets of 
NYC went on too long to.

* What's up with Eddie Brock having vampire teeth after becoming Venom? The 
teeth are part of the merged being, but note that when the symbiote peels away 
to reveal Eddie's human face, he's got pointy teeth too! I kept laughing at 
that. Looked like those bad teeth kids wear for Halloween.

* Kirsten Dunst ought to complain about the damsel-in-distress storylines they 
keep writing for her. I get that as Spidey's girl she's open to attack by his 
enemies, but when Venom put her in the car up in the webbing I thought "enough 
is enough!", in every film? If they must do this, let her be more pro-active 
and fight the villains, the way MJ does in the comic if one of Pete's enemies 
comes after her.

* Anyone else think the citizens of NYC were way too close to the Big Fight? 
Why didn't the cops push them further back? My wife and I kept laughing at how 
they were close enough to cheer on Spidey and get hit by debris...

*...yet, as close as the citizens and cops were, there were conveniently *no* 
choppers from the police or news stations monitoring the battle, and I guess 
not *one* TV camera crew with telephoto lenses in the crowd. Awfully 
convenient, that, as Peter's masked was ripped off, yet no one saw his secret 
identity--or Harry's for that matter.

* The effect was cool, but since when did Sandman learn to fly? Note that his 
"sandstorm" cloud was moving through the air, as if propelled by the wind, not 
touching the ground at all. To be correct, he should have been moving along the 
ground like a wave of sand...

* Did I mention I hated the Tobey McGuire dancing?

* I didn't like the new device that Marko was the one who killed Uncle Ben, 
albeit accidentally. That was way too contrived in order to teach Peter again 
about not giving in to vengeance. The original story was that Ben was killed by 
a robber (in his house, actually), and they should have left it there. 

* I'm still thinking what a waste the Gwen Stacy character was. I don't know 
why they bothered making any deal out of her character. She was only in a few 
scenes. Wonder if they plan to somehow use the classic storyline of her and 
Peter falling in love, then her being killed because of the Goblin? If so, they 
have to resurrect Norman Osborn--which does happen in the comics--then I guess 
make Peter and MJ break up...

* "Loved" the web missiles Peter used during the fights. They hit with quite a 

* Who the heck builds a nuclear research facility in a marsh?? The ground would 
be incredibly unstable, not to mention the potential for radioactive material 
to leak into the water table. And why the heck is a nuclear test pit open to 
the air? Note that Marko and the cops simply ran up to the pit after scaling a 
simple barb wire fence. Wonder how many birds have fallen into the thing and 
gotten fried? And, what kind of dopey scientists build a test pit without 
cameras? They could have seen Marko in there and aborted the process.

* If the Osborn's butler knew Norman was the Goblin, how long has he known 
Harry's been the new Goblin, and why didn't he say anything to him sooner? By 
the way, there is no Alfred-the-butler wannabe for the Osborns in the comics.

* Another reason I'm a little bummed about the short time period Peter had the 
black suit is that they didn't show the symbiote in suit form moving around on 
its own. In the comic, one of the coolest--and creepiest--things was that the 
suit responded to Peter's mental commands, and would leap to cover him with a 
thought. It creeped out one of his enemies when that happened. At night, while 
Peter slept, the suit would crawl into bed, cover him, then take him out web 
swinging all night--while Peter was still sound asleep! He'd wake each day 
wondering why he was so tired and sore. (The symbiote can ambush Peter because, 
having bonded with him and sampled his DNA, it knows how to turn off his Spider 

* That dancing's got to go...

* The ending was nice, but it left a really open space there. Will Pete and MJ 
finally get married? Will Venom returned? Would they use the comic storyline 
that Norman Osborn is actually regenerating and will re-emerge to menace Peter 

* Did anyone else have a problem with Sandman joing with Venom to possibly kill 
MJ? I get that he needed money to give his daughter an operation (and what is 
this, Tiny Tim in "A Christmas Carol"?) but killing another innocent? With all 
those powers, he could have slinked and slithered into a number of places and 
been gone before Spidey even got wind of the robbery. I guess they wrote Marko 
as so sympathetic--he felt sorrowful about Ben's death and really didn't like 
hurting people--it just seemed contradictory that he'd help kill MJ. 

* Pure fantasy thinking here, but wouldn't it be cool if a movie were made 
teaming up Spidey with the Fantastic Four??? Spidey and the Torch go it at in 
the comics, always good-naturadedly playing jokes on each other. The contrast 
between the flamboyant Johnny and nerdy Pete would be cool. And since Venom's 
only other weakness outside of sound is fire, the Torch would be a great 
addition to a battle against him. Also, in the comic, it was Reed Richards who 
deduced that the suit was a symbiote trying to permanently bond with Peter, and 
Reed who got the suit off him--the first time--by using a sonic weapon. I think 
I'd pay for a Spidey-FF teamup.

* Did I mention I hated Pete's dance number? :(

[KeithBJohnson wrote]

My quick take: A fun, entertaining movie. As always, the story and characters 
are more important than the superhero action, and it's fun to see Spidey have a 
bit of good luck for a minute. CGI is better than ever, though still too fake 
in spots. Battles are good, but too brief, and often the action is hard to 
follow. The final battle is pretty bad, way over the top, and the Fx suck in 
that case. The cast is too large, meaning all the plots don't get the full 
development I'd have liked, especially Sandman and "Venom". Ending is open, and 
a fourth movie almost required to tie up some things, but not sure it'll 
happen. Overall, well done, better than the second, and worth seeing--though 
not a must-see unless you're a fan. For my money, though "Batman Begins" might 
still be the best superhero flick ever... Overall Grade for S3: B

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