
Yours is a well-written reply below. Chimpy McFlight-suit is full of 
it and so full of himself. He lied about going into Iraq and now he 
lies about going into Iran. What's the sayinig? "Fool me once, shame 
on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."


--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> So, the Prez is an iron man with a heart of gold, eh?  Huh, I bet 
you won't hear Cheney saying that!
> Ptooey!! I cry too, Mr. Prez: I cry everytime I realize I have to 
suffer your botched leadership for another year. Just realizing that 
you come from my home state makes the tears run like I was cutting up 
onions. The truth that so many Americans bought your line of bull 
about being a good Christian makes me wanna sob.  The lies and 
manipulations you told to put us at "war" with Iraq--and knowing so 
many Americans fell for that bull too--wrack me with grief.  Knowing 
we'll be stuck fixing the mess you made in Iraq for at least a 
generation brings the water like a faucet. Watching your henchmen and 
sycophants make gay marriage and immigration more important than 
poverty, health care, and education makes me wail in despair.  Seeing 
the devastated wasteland that was New Orleans, and remembering how 
you flew *over* that city without stopping, makes me wanna scream 
with sorrow. 
> "I've got God's shoulder to cry on"--yeah, I feel you Mr. 
Bush, 'cause I'm being moved to tears right now, but I can't take my 
frustrations out by bombing anyone!
> **************************************
> Bush tells biographer: 'I do tears' 
> By CALVIN WOODWARD, Associated Press WriterTue Sep 4, 6:45 PM ET 
> Under that famously self-confident exterior is a president who 
weeps — a lot.


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